Jade L'Opera JADE Rosin for Violin, Viola, and Cello Review

Jade L'Opera JADE Rosin for Violin, Viola, and CelloMy suggestions to parents who have kids who play violin:
1.as they get older, get them a good quality instrument.Rent one, don't buy one - the rentals are so much better quality than what you'd probably budget for. I am currently renting a better-quality instrument than I played as a teen - as a child I guess it doesn't matter, but as I got older, a better instrument would have been nice.
2. get them a good quality rosin.As an adult I have come to appreciate spending alittle more money for things that are worth it - and this rosin is one of them...to a certain point.I got tis exact rosin for $10.86 and although that is about 10x more than I'd have ever expected to pay for rosin, I think the results are well-worth it.(although after I posted my raving review the price hovered at $16-$17 for it, which i think is HORRIBLE.I'm morally opposed to buying more of this rosin until the prices goes back down!!!!
3. get them a couple private lessons from a teacher who cares.and believes in them.

This is why I like this rosin:
1. The higher quality makes the bow stick better to the strings
2.overall it helped produce a nicer tone ( I changed just the rosin, not the violin.I used the regular free rosin that the rental company gave me for a little while, then decided to try this rosin.so only the rosin has changed, not the quality of the violin)

1. It does give off a lot of dust - i don't know if this amount is typical of higher-quality rosins, but I find myself cleaning more off my strings and violin at the end of my sessions now.
2. I do find that it wears off surprisingly quickly.Let's say I practice a little over an hour, I might re-apply once or twice.I can't remember that clearly but I think when I was younger and playing in the orchestra, I don't know that I even re-applied the rosin during a performance, which would be about that same amount of time.But 1)maybe my memory fails me and 2) maybe the lesser the quailty rosin the more it sticks to the bow and not the strings or 3) maybe I was just not that into playing that I didn't care enough to re-apply.

Overall: This rosin impressed me.I really think it changed the sound that was coming out of the instrument.It inspired me to start recording myself and send to my parents, who were thrilled that all those years of pestering me to 'practice my violin' have finally come to fruition.

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Product Description:
Preferred by professionals around the world, JADE rosin produces a smooth yet firm grip, with exceptional adhesion and virtually no noise or dust, for remarkable control and clear expressive articulation. From symphony musicians to concert artists, JADE rosin is an ideal rosin for classical performance. The fire-polished surface is specially designed to allow the bow hair to evenly pick up rosin. Comes in an attractive plastic conatiner with lid. Made in France.

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