Essential Elements for Strings: Cello Book 1 [Paperback] Review

Essential Elements for Strings: Cello Book 1 [Paperback]If your are just learning cello with a teacher, or on your own, This is the book to buy. It teaches all the basic steps. For example, It shows where the fingers go, It will show you how to bow. If you do not know how to read music, this book will teach you bass clef, which is what you need to know to play cello. This book also has practice songs and will help your learn to play cello step by step. Just keep in mind that this is book one, to advance there are more advanced books as well. I highly recomend this book if you are trying to learn cello.

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Product Description:
Tailored to beginning students, Essential Elements for Strings Book 1 covers techniques such as instrument position, fingerings, and bowings while incorporating theory and history lessons throughout. Features a broad scope, comprehensive detail, great pacing, thorough reinforcement, and much more!

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