Fishman C-100 Classic Series Cello Pickup Review

Fishman C-100 Classic Series Cello PickupI needed a quick fix for live performance with my cello and this pickup was very affordable.Well, you get what you pay for.It works, but just barely.I had to run my cello through an EQ pedal to boost the signal, which got me there, but the recreation of the sound was a little off.The bass generally didn't resonate very well and I tended to have an issue with hum (a ground loop @ 60Hz that had to be eq'd out).I've since bought a Shadow SH 955 Nanoflex Pickup and haven't looked back.The Fishman gets the job done, but expect to have to boost your signal A LOT to use it live.I'm told the preamp Fishman sells as an accessory will solve all the problems I had, but for the cost of both of them you can get a Shadow pickup or another one of the competitors.

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Product Description:
To capture the most expressive of all orchestral voices, we recommend the C-100. It features a patented floating mount that allows it to sense the tone-producing vibrations while ignoring extraneous noises.

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